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Health Freedom Groups Join in Launch of Grassroots Health Revolution Petition

A new petition calling for revolutionary health care reforms and health freedoms was launched today at

This petition is a groundbreaking new petition that calls for real, revolutionary health freedom reforms in America! If its provisions are enacted, it would:

  • End FDA tyranny and oppression of natural product companies
  • End the persecution of alternative medicine and healing arts practitioners
  • Ban GMOs in the food supply and require honest labeling of irradiated foods
  • Protect America from CODEX "harmonization"
  • Allow full income tax deductions for ALL health-related expenditures (herbs, supplements, gym memberships, etc.)
  • Provide $350 a month in health care credits to each U.S. resident, allowing them to spend it on the health-enhancing products and services of their choice
  • End mandatory vaccination policies across America
  • Restore honest science to the FDA's review of drugs
  • Require the open publication of all drug trials
  • End Big Pharma's bribery of doctors
  • Hold drug company CEO's criminally liable for the harm caused by drugs they advertise to consumers
  • Restrict the advertising of junk foods and soda pop to children
  • Ban man-made, non-natural chemicals in personal care products
  • Invest in disease prevention and consumer education about nutrition
  • Protect the environment from dangerous drugs that pollute the water supply

... and more. If you believe in these things, and you are a resident or citizen of the USA, then please sign this petition right now at

It's time that we stood together as free citizens and demanded the kind of revolutionary changes necessary to end the "sick care" system operating in America today. It's time to set natural healers free to practice medicine, to end the censorship of free speech about nutritional supplements, and to reel in the out-of-control FDA and FTC, both of which pursue an agenda of destroying health care alternatives such as natural anti-cancer remedies.

Send this email to everyone you know who deserves a brighter future, a better health care system and improved health. Standing up and demanding these changes is the ONLY way that We The People are ever going to overcome the highly destructive, FDA-enforced medical monopoly that kills more Americans each year than all the world's terrorists events combined!

The petition -- which is endorsed by NaturalNews, the Organic Consumers Association, the Life Extension Foundation, the American Association for Health Freedom and other health freedom groups -- calls for an end to FDA and FTC oppression of free speech about dietary supplements. Its ten provisions also call for full income tax deductions on health-enhancing products and services, a halt to the psychiatric drugging of children, the end of mandatory vaccination policies and the legalization of healing practices across the country. (The carrying out of natural anti-cancer therapies, for example, is currently outlawed in the United States.)

Notably, the petition also calls for an "immediate investigation" into a revolutionary new health care system developed by Mike Adams, called Citizens In Charge (http://www.healthrevolutionpetition...). This system eliminates all health insurance, provides health care coverage to all U.S. residents, proactively invests in disease prevention, eliminates wasteful paperwork and health care administration, drastically reduces health care costs, eliminates virtually all government intervention in health care and produces far better health care outcomes at significantly reduced costs.

The Health Revolution Petition was created by editor Mike Adams (the "Health Ranger"), a vocal opponent of Big Pharma and the FDA, and a strong supporter of nutrition, natural health and green living. Many health freedom attorneys and advocates contributed to the text of the petition, refining its language to better protect the freedoms of the People while limiting government intervention in the key health decisions that are best left to local citizens and their health care providers.

The petition aims to gather 100,000 signatures in 2009, after which it will be distributed to each member of Congress as well as President Obama and his staff. A special, signed printout of the petition is being delivered to the office of Rep. Ron Paul, who has consistently served as a champion of health freedom for many years.


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